Background ChecksSmart companies don’t see background checks as a commodity, but rather an investment in a safe, productive workplace. Our uniquely hands-on approach, coupled with the efficiency of today’s technology, is what makes our clients’ companies safer places to work. spac |
Why Use Hire Level?
“I was just sitting here realizing that I have not heard ONE complaint from my team or
any of our thousands of employees about background checks ever since we moved over
to Hire Level. I cannot thank you and your team enough for making this such a painless
effort in the transition and, in turn, making my team’s lives so much easier. Our managers
out in the field never call anymore looking for results or complaining about how long
backgrounds are taking.Thank you for making me look good! I knew this was the right direction and you guys
did not disappoint. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
Jolynda W.
Sr. Vice President, Employee Services